About KDA

We are KratomDangerAwareness, a community united by shared concerns and experiences related to the use of kratom. Our group is a diverse coalition, including current kratom consumers seeking to quit, family members deeply concerned about their loved ones' use of kratom, and families and individuals who have endured the unthinkable heartache of losing someone, either directly or indirectly, due to the effects of this substance.

At the core of our mission is the principle of harm reduction. We firmly believe in the importance of informed choices and support systems for those affected by kratom use. Our approach is rooted in compassion and understanding, recognizing that addiction is a complex and multifaceted challenge which requires far more than simply the substitution of one substance for another.

We are driven by a sense of responsibility to highlight the risks associated with kratom, especially when organizations exist with the intent of sowing dangerous misinformation with the goal of increased sales. While we acknowledge that some individuals may use this substance without adverse effects, we cannot ignore the growing number of people who struggle with addiction and the severe consequences that can follow. We are mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, aunts, and uncles and we cannot idly stand by as continual lies are put forth regarding this plant that expose our loved ones and indeed the entirety of the United States population to unnecessary addiction risks.

Our stance is clear: the open market availability of kratom, a provably addictive substance, is a matter of grave concern. We believe it is reckless to allow such accessibility without adequate warnings, education, and acknowledgment of the addiction risks. Our advocacy is not about imposing restrictions for the sake of control but about ensuring that consumers are fully aware of the potential dangers and have access to necessary support and resources. Just to be clear, the desires for the use of kratom do not concern us. Our only concerns are the harm it can bring, the misinformation included, and how we can help with both. 

KratomDangerAwareness is more than just a group; it's a movement. It's a call to action for greater transparency, stricter regulation, and a collective effort to support those grappling with addiction. We are here to share stories, offer support, and work towards a future where the harms of kratom are recognized, and individuals are equipped with the knowledge and resources to make safer choices. This newsletter, much like the group itself, is a collective effort between many individuals who wish to stand up for what they believe to be correct.

Meet Joe

Joseph Lumbrazo, 38, was a hard-working man who owned a business to help provide for his 3 sons. Joe was an upstanding citizen and only lived to make sure that his family was provided for. Joseph, like many others, turned to Kratom to help with energy because his work schedule was demanding, draining, and very difficult. After trying many holistic options, he found Kratom to be helpful. But with that positive effect, Kratom also has potentially dangerous side effects. One of which is seizures with the ultimate outcome of dying from the toxicity of Kratom. Kratom is known for its healing qualities but usually doesn’t come with any warning labels or educational information. At least his didn’t come with those additions. Let’s ban together and demand that Kratom be scheduled as a controlled substance, demand that it come with truthful warning labels and educational information.

Due to the loss of my only son, Joseph Lumbrazo at the age of 38, who was poisoned by the substance Kratom, I have vowed to elevate the voices of those who have been adversely affected by Kratom and to advocate for this substance to be scheduled as a controlled substance.