Resources to help with quitting kratom:

Addiction Recovery - Kratom Sobriety 


In recent years. the debate surrounding the safety and effects of kratom has become increasingly polarized. Various advocacy groups (you likely know which ones) have contributed to a landscape of misinformation and misrepresentation, One particularly pervasive argument made by kratom proponents is the comparison of kratom’s opioid properties to those of common substances like coffee and chocolate.

This comparison is fundamentally flawed and scientifically inaccurate, and we really shouldn’t even be required to say this, This post aims to explain the reasons why it is improper to equate the opioid properties of kratom with those of coffee and chocolate,


Kratom contains psychoactive compounds, primarily mitragynine and 7-hydroymitragynine, These compounds interact with the brain, particularly the mu-opioid receptors, which are the same receptors activated by opioid drugs such as morphine and hydrocodone. This interaction produces effects ranging from pain relief and euphoria to sedation and, at higher doses, potentially respiratory depression

The pharmacological profile of kratom is complex,/Mitragynine. the most abundant alkaloid in kratom, acts as a partial agonist at the mu-opioid receptors and as an antagonist at the kappa and delta-opioid receptors. This results in both opioid-like effects and some stimulant properties at lower doses.7-OH, though present in smaller quantities and a metabolic product of the metabolization of mitragynine in humans, is significantly more potent and is a full agonist at mu-opioid receptors, contributing to the overall opioid effect, and addictiveness of kratom.


Coffee and chocolate, while often cited in casual comparisons with kratom, have markedly different chemical compositions and mechanisms of action. The primary active compound in coffee is caffeine, a central nervous system stimulant that works primarily through antagonism of adenosine receptors. This leads to increased levels of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and norepinephrine, which contribute to the wakefulness and alertness associated with caffeine consumption.

Chocolate, derived from cacao beans, contains several psychoactive substances, including caffeine, theobromine (a milder stimulant then caffeine and trace amounts of anandamide, which can bind to cannabinoid receptors. While chocolate can produce mild psychoactive effects, such as improved mood and alertness, these effects are primarily due to its stimulant properties and not because of any interaction with opioid receptors


Receptor interactions:

Kratom: Directly interacts with opioid receptors (mu, kappa, and delta), leading to significant opioid-effects.

Coffee: Primarily effects adenosine receptors, with downstream effects on dopamine and norepinephrine system, resulting in stimulation rather than opioid-like sedation or pain relief.

Chocolate: Influences a variety of neurotransmitter systems, mainly through mild stimulation by caffeine and theobromine, without significant interaction with opioid receptors.

Addictive Potential and Dependency:

Kratom can lead to dependency and withdrawal symptoms similar to those of other opioids. Users may experience cravings, tolerance, and physical dependence.

Coffee: While caffeine can lead to dependency and withdrawal (e., headaches, irritability), its effects are far milder compared to opioids and do not involve severe physical withdrawal symptoms. For those that have experienced severe acute withdrawals from kratom, this comparison is actually rather insulting.

Chocolate; Generally not associated with dependency or withdrawal. The psychoactive effects are mild, and the potential for addiction is primarily behavioral rather than physiological. Again, also an insulting comparison to those that have experienced the negative ramifications of kratom consumption.

Health Risks;

Kratom;High doses can lead to severe health issues, including respiratory depression, seizures, and liver toxicity. Long-term use is associated with significant health risks due to its opioid, and adrenergic activity.

Coffee; Generally safe in moderate amounts, but excessive consumption can lead to insomnia, anxiety, and cardiovascular issues. However, it does not pose the same acute overdose risks as opioids.

Chocolate; Safe for most people when consumed in moderation. Excessive consumption may lead to weight gain and related health issues, but does not cary the same acute health risks as kratom or opioids.


The comparison of kratom’s opioid properties of those of coffee and chocolate is not only scientifically unfounded but also dangerously misleading. While kratom interacts directly opioid receptors, producing effects similar to those of opioids, coffee and chocolate exert their effects through entirely different mechanisms. Coffee acts, primarily as a stimulant through adenosine receptor antagonism, and chocolate has a mild stimulating effect with no significant interaction with opioid receptors, The potential for addiction, dependency, and severe health risks associated with kratom further distinguishes it from these common substances.

It is essential for both advocates and critics of kratom to rely on accurate scientific information and to avoid oversimplified comparisons that can obscure the true nature of the substance and its effects. It harms everyone when falsehoods from advocacy groups are repeated without giving them the slightest bit of critical thought.

Treatment facilities specializing in the treatment of kratom addiction:

Resources for Addiction Rehabilitation & Recovery | American Addiction Centers

Rapid Opiate Detox & Rapid Alcohol Detox Programs (