
My son, James, was a bright, funny and hard-working young man. During his senior year of high school, he experimented with alcohol, and it quickly became a problem for him. A friend told him about this wonder-drug, Kratom, that could help him stop drinking. James started taking Kratom in 2018, and it did help him to stop drinking.

                Unfortunately, he became addicted to Kratom and developed a tolerance to it. James thought Kratom was a safe product until he realized he had a problem. He tried to taper off this drug, but he had trouble doing it. Kratom withdrawal caused him many physical symptoms such as severe muscle aches, sleeplessness, restless legs, depression and mood swings. Despite this, for a while, he was successful in cutting down on this drug. 

                 James relapsed September 2020 and had a grand mal seizure due to Kratom use and was hospitalized. The doctors had no idea what Kratom was and called poison control. He had another seizure in October and had a similar experience at the hospital. There was no way to get him into a treatment center, as no beds were available. Regrettably, on February 5, 2021, James died of Kratom (Mitragyna Speciosa) toxicity; he was 21 years old. Our family is devastated by the loss of our beloved son. The truth about Kratom is that it is absolute poison.


Frida Alexandra Bandes